Good Things in 2014

2014 Jar of Good Things

I don’t know where this originally came from, but Junior League posted this picture on Facebook in December, and I thought YES!  What a great idea!  I think Sean and I are able to capture lots of good moments here on our blog but not every small, good moment/blessing/funny story/etc. can be recorded here.  I love the idea of opening up our memories next New Year’s and remembering all the wonderful things you don’t think you’ll forget but do by year’s end.

So I went on a trip to Target and got to work.NYE 012I wanted colored paper in case I decided to make a scrap book page out of these or something similar.NYE 014Initially when I was at Target I thought I would buy a Mason jar like the one in the photo and ribbon.  Luckily I remembered I have a stock of ribbon and plenty of vases that I don’t fill.  So my version only required special pens and paper.NYE 015NYE 016Simple!NYE 018Our cardboard selves are ready and waiting for the good things of 2014 to be recorded and kept.  We’ve actually added two to our jar since I’ve taken this picture.

If you really think about it we’re all very lucky and have plenty to be grateful for.  But it’s so easy to become bogged down by the day-to-day.  So I’m not only looking forward to reliving these wonderful moments in 2014 next December, but also to make sure I’m remaining mindful of the moments worth adding to the jar as the year goes on.

One final note!  While this isn’t exactly related to this jar but on the note of good things, the Words to Inspire Page-a-Day calendar Santa gave me is reminding us all that we are doing a freaking great job!Great JobIt’s hard this first official no-one-is-on-vacation-anymore day back to work.  It’s tough.  But hang in there because you’re doing great!

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